*2009.2.Poon hill~
今年初,我看到桃園的山友-黃大哥po在anyway旅遊網的徵旅伴文章,覺得很心動就決定加入他們的尼泊爾健行之旅。這趟健行我們11個人雇用了一位嚮導(Som Gurung)與五位挑伕,Som為人熱心和善,雖然講的英文有些腔調,但指引健行路徑與講解沿途的民俗風情都算瞞盡責的,他所屬的挑伕團隊個個老實,活潑好相處,除了幫我們揹負大行李外,晚上回到tea house也會幫我們按摩,表演唱歌跳舞等娛樂節目逗大家開心,肉腳我能夠走上去ABC基地營,還要特別感謝挑伕Blino的細心照顧與陪伴呢!
這趟健行我們原本計畫走12天,先搭機至Jomsom健行至Ghorepani,然後轉往ABC基地營的,但前往Jomsom的飛機因天候的因素停飛,所以調整成先走ABC基地營,再轉往Jomsom trek,後來我們這一團有七個人因身體因素,分別從Ghorepany與Totopani提前下山,嚮導som認為我們毀約有些生氣,最後一頓Totopani的晚餐就在很尷尬的氣氛中遺憾結束,健行剛開始我們將12天健行的費用全數繳給Som,每人每天30美金,包含服務的項目如下列所述。我從背包客棧上看到大家的建議是先預繳一半的款項,最後再視實際trekking的天數付餘款與小費,這樣可以避免嚮導錢拿到手後,服務打折扣,若行程與之前洽商時有所出入,也可以扣款警示。另外像我們這樣有人因身體因素提前下山的情況,也應該事先立約如何繳款與扣款等,或許就不會有這種不愉快的事情發生囉!
1. A Guide.
2. A Porter two clients.
3. ACAP Trekking entry permit fee.(Annapurna Conservation park fee)
4. Nrs. 165.00 Airport Tax per person.
5. All the accommodation during trek
6. All the necessary entrance fee during whole trip.
7. All food(three times meal a day) in Trekking and Pokhara(Breakfast,Lunch & Dinner with Hot Drinks).
8. All hot drinks (tea,coffee, hocklete).
9. Hot Water and Header(Heater).
10. Hot Solar showers or one full hot water bucket for gentleman two for girl.
11. Accommodation in Tea House along the way.
12. All Gound Transportationfrom and to trek.
13. Local Bus from Pokhara to Naya Pul
14. First aid kit on require.
15. Rescue service arrangement and management.
16. A piece of blanket if cold everynight.
17. Sleeping bags for Trekking.(If necessary)
18. Insurance for all Nepali staf
1. Cost of US$30 per day per person.
2. Tourist bus from Kathmandu to Pokhara 200Nrs. per person(or NRs. 250)
3. Lunch and Dinner in Kathmandu accommodation at Kathmandu .
4. Domestic flight charges from Kathmandu to Pokhara flight cost US$ 81(Insurance charge include) per person for one way and full(half) flight cost NRs.2000 for the Nepali guide.
5. All Bar bills(Cola/Fanta/Mineral Water and any kinds of alcoholic drinks).
6. Tips for the Nepali crews(guide and porters.)
7. Donations.
8. Personal Expenses or any other expenses during trekking.
Food and Hotel in Pokhara and Kathmand.